Daily Uniform
PANTS: Khaki pants from Lands’ End or Dennis only. Belts are required for students in grades 3rd-5th. Belts need to be solid brown or black with a plain belt buckle that is not oversized. All belts must be buckled.
DRESSES/SKIRTS: Plaid jumper from Lands’ End or Dennis only. Please note that all students choosing to wear the jumper should have on bike shorts or sliders in navy blue, underneath. Jumper length shall be no more than three inches above the knee when standing.
UNIFORM TOPS: Navy blue polo or white oxford shirt (short or long sleeve based on personal preference) with school logo. Undergarments may not be visible at any time. Students may wear a plain white undershirt under their oxford – no other colors are permitted.
SOCKS: White or Navy colored ankle socks, knee socks, dress socks, tube socks, half-calves, ankle socks, or no-show socks are permitted. leggings or opaque tights should be worn underneath dresses during the winter months. Patterns or designs are not permitted.
SHOES: Black, brown, or navy dress shoes, athletic shoes (in plain white, black, gray, or navy blue – no colored laces or soles), or top-siders in brown or navy may be worn daily. Boots, Uggs, crocs, or open-toe shoes, shoes with heel, open-heel shoes, and wedges are not permitted at any time. If boots are worn to school during the winter months, students must change into appropriate shoes prior to class.
SWEATERS: Navy blue sweater vest, v-neck sweater, cardigan sweater or school-approved fleece with school logo are optional for regular dress. Hoodies, jackets, and sweatshirts are not permitted in class, so please plan appropriately for cooler months.
Dress Uniform
PANTS: On dress days, Lower School students will wear khaki pants, white oxford shirt, belt (3rd-5th), black, brown, gray, or navy dress shoes, a sweater vest or v-neck sweater with school logo, and either traditional or cross tie. ALL Lower School students choosing to wear this pants option should have at least one tie (purchase through Dennis Uniform, clip-on options are available) and one sweater. While dress uniform is typically reserved for field trips or special occasions, the Lower School Head reserves the right to call for a dress day as needed. Lower School students may also add a blazer to the formal dress uniform if they wish.
DRESSES: On dress days, Lower School students will wear the jumper, white oxford shirt, navy or white opaque tights or dress socks, brown, black gray or navy dress shoes (no heels, open-toe, open-heel, or wedges), and navy-blue cardigan sweater with school logo. While dress uniform is typically reserved for field trips or special occasions, the Lower School Head reserves the right to call for a dress day as needed. Lower School students may also add a blazer to the formal dress uniform if they wish.
Summer Uniform
SHORTS: During the months of August, September, October, May and June, Lower School students may opt to wear khaki shorts in lieu of pants and a navy-blue polo shirt with school logo in lieu of the white oxford shirt. Please note that students may still wear the white oxford shirt if preferred. Summer uniform is optional, not mandatory
DRESSES/SKIRTS: During the months of August, September, October, May and June, Lower School students may wear either the navy-blue polo dress (with bike shorts or sliders in navy blue underneath) khaki shorts, or the navy skort with a navy blue polo with logo. Please note that students may still wear the white oxford shirt if preferred. Summer uniform is optional, not mandatory. Polo dresses will not be worn year-round.