Grades 1-5

In the Calverton Lower School, we provide a nurturing yet challenging environment where young children from First Grade through Fifth Grade can flourish.

Through engaging with grade-appropriate topics, our students are encouraged to explore, discover, and cultivate creative, critical, and independent thinking skills.

Recognizing the diverse developmental needs of children, our approach to learning involves active participation in teacher-directed and student-initiated individual and cooperative activities.

Within the Lower School community, which encompasses teachers, students, and families, we prioritize the holistic development of each child in a values-oriented setting.

Honesty, trust, and mutual respect are upheld as essential personal qualities, fostering an atmosphere where children can practice and appreciate these values.

We recognize the vital importance of collaboration between school and home, as it reinforces the child's worth as an individual and their role as a valued student.

The academic program in the Lower School is designed upon a robust and comprehensive curriculum. Our students engage in a wide range of subjects, including language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, music, technology, library, physical education, environmental education, art, and foreign language.

This well-rounded approach ensures that our students receive a comprehensive education that nurtures their intellectual growth and fosters a love for learning.

Heidi Merryman
Heidi Merryman
Lower School Head
410-535-0216 ext 1125



Lower School Curriculum

First Grade

We at The Calverton School know that students learn in different ways. We pride ourselves in providing many different methods to approach learning. Students participate in small group and individualized instruction to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe, respectful, and positive environment. Focusing on the whole child and understanding the developmental social and emotional growth at each grade level is important to us. Students are immersed into an environment where their creativity, problem solving, and thinking skills can flourishIn first grade our focus is on developing the whole child and helping each student gain a strong sense of self-confidence to flourish throughout their career here at Calverton. We recognize that children learn in a variety of ways, so the first grade classroom offers a variety of learning experiences that are aimed to make learning an engaging, hands on experience. We encourage students to try new things, take risks and meet challenges.

The Singapore Math curriculum is used in first grade. Singapore Math is made for mastery, not memorization. Students are given many different ways to solve a problem and are able to determine which way works best for them. The program is designed to cover fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail as well as having students learn these concepts using a three-step learning process. These three steps are: concrete, pictorial, and abstract. In the concrete step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using concrete objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. The follow topics are main areas of focus during the first grade year: Number bonds and number relationships to 100, addition and subtraction to 100 using mental math strategies, ordinal numbers, comparing numbers to 100, recognizing and naming shapes, measuring and comparing length and weight, creating and interpreting picture graphs, early concepts of multiplication and division, recognizing quarters and halves, telling time to the nearest half hour, recognizing and counting coins to $1.00 and counting bills to $20.00.

Language Arts instruction is an integral part of the daily schedule. Throughout first grade, there is a continued focus on concepts of print, building comprehension skills, expanding vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and phonics. Students will focus on reading fluency, accuracy, and sight words. Students participate in classroom responses, discussions, and presentations. You will regularly see reading and writing interwoven in all areas of study, which allows continued growth and support of grade level skills.

We strive to provide learning opportunities that cover many possible interest areas of our students. First grade students have the opportunity to participate in Physical Education, Art, Music, Science, Library/Technology and Spanish instruction twice per week. We feel that these opportunities will better prepare our students to succeed as global citizens in our society.

Second Grade

We at The Calverton School know that students learn in different ways. We pride ourselves in providing many different methods to approach learning. Students participate in small group and individualized instruction to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe, respectful, and positive environment. Focusing on the whole child and understanding the developmental social and emotional growth at each grade level is important to us. Students are immersed into an environment where their creativity, problem solving, and thinking skills can flourishIn second grade, the goal is to support student growth in the areas of independent thinking and group discussion. Children at this age are naturally developing a sense of autonomy. We want to foster this newfound independence, so that children learn to think as individuals while still respecting the viewpoints of others. It is with this understanding, that our children approach learning opportunities, academic or otherwise.

The Singapore Math curriculum is used in second grade. Singapore Math is made for mastery, not memorization. Students are given many different ways to solve a problem and are able to determine which way works best for them. The program is designed to cover fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail as well as having students learn these concepts using a three-step learning process. These three steps are: concrete, pictorial, and abstract. In the concrete step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using concrete objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. The follow topics are main areas of focus during the second grade year: Numbers to 1000, addition and subtraction to 1000 with and without renaming, measuring length, multiplication and division strategies and facts, adding and subtracting money, determining and writing fractions, telling time to 5 minute time intervals.

Language Arts instruction is an integral part of the daily schedule. Students build comprehension skills through the use of a variety of texts. Support is given to improve reading fluency, accuracy, and expanding vocabulary. Students participate in discussion, writing responses, and presentations. You will regularly see reading and writing interwoven in all areas of study, which allows continued growth and support of grade level skills.

We strive to provide learning opportunities that cover many possible interest areas of our students. Second grade students have the opportunity to participate in Physical Education, Art, Music, Science, Library/Technology and Spanish instruction twice per week. We feel that these opportunities will better prepare our students to succeed as global citizens in our society.

Third Grade

We at The Calverton School know that students learn in different ways. We pride ourselves in providing many different methods to approach learning. Students participate in small group and individualized instruction to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe, respectful, and positive environment. Focusing on the whole child and understanding the developmental social and emotional growth at each grade level is important to us. Students are immersed into an environment where their creativity, problem solving, and thinking skills can flourishIn third grade, students learn the value and merit of responsibility. They explore strategies to succeed academically, including being responsible for their preparedness and performance. They practice using good judgement and being trustworthy in their relationships with others. They also explore what it means to be a responsible citizen on a local and global level

The Singapore Math curriculum is used in third grade. Singapore Math is made for mastery, not memorization. Students are given many different ways to solve a problem and are able to determine which way works best for them. The program is designed to cover fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail as well as having students learn these concepts using a three-step learning process. These three steps are: concrete, pictorial, and abstract. In the concrete step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using concrete objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. The follow topics are main areas of focus during the third grade year: Numbers to 10,000, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9, money, mental calculation, length, weight, capacity, graphs, fractions, time, geometry, area and perimeter.

Language Arts instruction is an integral part of the daily schedule. Main areas of concentration include: reading fluently with meaning and purpose, applying comprehension and vocabulary strategies to a wide variety of literary genres and informational texts, and making global connections. Students will examine story and character development while using textual evidence to support thinking in written work and oral presentations. Discussions regarding content and student response will take place in both small and whole-class groups. You will regularly see reading and writing interwoven in all areas of study, which allows continued growth and support of grade level skills.

We strive to provide learning opportunities that cover many possible interest areas of our students. Third grade students have the opportunity to participate in Physical Education, Art, Music, Science, Library/Technology and Spanish instruction twice per week. We feel that these opportunities will better prepare our students to succeed as global citizens in our society.

Fourth Grade

We at The Calverton School know that students learn in different ways. We pride ourselves in providing many different methods to approach learning. Students participate in small group and individualized instruction to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe, respectful, and positive environment. Focusing on the whole child and understanding the developmental social and emotional growth at each grade level is important to us. Students are immersed into an environment where their creativity, problem solving, and thinking skills can flourishIn fourth grade we will be working on self-advocacy. We focus on each student's ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his or her own interests, desires, needs, and rights. We want the students making informed decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions.

The Singapore Math curriculum is used in fourth grade. Singapore Math is made for mastery, not memorization. Students are given many different ways to solve a problem and are able to determine which way works best for them. The program is designed to cover fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail as well as having students learn these concepts using a three-step learning process. These three steps are: concrete, pictorial, and abstract. In the concrete step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using concrete objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. The follow topics are main areas of focus during the fourth grade year: whole numbers, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions, tables and graphs, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, area and perimeter, decimals, the four operations of decimals, measures, symmetry, solid figures, and volume.

Language Arts instruction is an integral part of the daily schedule. Fourth grade students continue to focus on reading with fluency and purpose. By making connection and using multiple comprehension strategies, students will successfully apply these skills to gain a deeper knowledge of the reading content. In addition, these skills will nurture the critical thinking thought process and the ability of expression in written form, participation in discussions, and presentations. You will regularly see reading and writing interwoven in all areas of study, which allows continued growth and support of grade level skills.

We strive to provide learning opportunities that cover many possible interest areas of our students. Fourth grade students have the opportunity to participate in Physical Education, Art, Music, Science, Library/Technology and Spanish instruction twice per week. We feel that these opportunities will better prepare our students to succeed as global citizens in our society.

Fifth Grade

We at The Calverton School know that students learn in different ways. We pride ourselves in providing many different methods to approach learning. Students participate in small group and individualized instruction to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe, respectful, and positive environment. Focusing on the whole child and understanding the developmental social and emotional growth at each grade level is important to us. Students are immersed into an environment where their creativity, problem solving, and thinking skills can flourish. As the oldest class in Lower School, the fifth grade students take on the position of leaders and role models. Throughout the year, the fifth grade students lead the Lower School Assemblies and teach their fellow students about topics that range from defining leadership, as well as leadership traits such as teamwork, responsibility, setting goals, and community work.

The Singapore Math curriculum is used in fifth grade. Singapore Math is made for mastery, not memorization. Students are given many different ways to solve a problem and are able to determine which way works best for them. The program is designed to cover fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail as well as having students learn these concepts using a three-step learning process. These three steps are: concrete, pictorial, and abstract. In the concrete step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using concrete objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. The follow topics are main areas of focus during the fifth grade year: Whole Numbers:place value, comparing numbers, multiplying & dividing by tens/hundreds/ thousands, order of operation, multiplication and division: multiply 2,3,4 digit numbers, divide by 2 digit numbers, factors and multiples, fractions: relationship between fractions and division, add and subtract unlike fractions or mix fractions, multiplying & dividing fractions, geometry: finding area of triangles or figures with triangles using a formula, properties of Angles, measuring angles, ratios: finding ratios, identifying equivalent rations, comparing quantities using ratios.

Language Arts instruction is an integral part of the daily schedule. Fifth grade students continue to focus on reading with fluency and purpose. Main areas of focus include developing awareness of author’s craft, vocabulary development, and drawing inferences supported through textual evidence. Students will determine a purpose for reading and will use appropriate comprehension strategies, dependent on the type of text, to build a deeper understanding of literature. Students will actively participate in discussions, reflections, and presentations. You will regularly see reading and writing interwoven in all areas of study, which allows continued growth and support of grade level skills.

We strive to provide learning opportunities that cover many possible interest areas of our students. Fifth grade students have the opportunity to participate in Physical Education, Art, Music, Science, Library/Technology and Spanish instruction twice per week. We feel that these opportunities will better prepare our students to succeed as global citizens in our society.

lower school curriculum guide cover
Lower School Curriculum
Guide Download PDF



After School Enrichment Clubs

The Lower School offers enrichment clubs after school from 3:30-4:30 on a seasonal basis - fall, winter and spring. Clubs run for 6-8 weeks and provide a safe, educational environment for your little ones after the school day ends. PreK clubs run in the winter and spring to give the students time to adjust to their school schedule in the fall. There is a fee for club participation.

Club instructors make each week exciting, engaging, and unique. New clubs are introduced each season and provide a variety of possible options to choose from. Parents can register their children for clubs through the online link emailed in advance by Mrs. Burkhardt.  Seats often fill quickly, so grab them while you can. For additional details or questions regarding Lower School clubs, please contact Mrs. Freeburger at

Fencing Club with Mr. Rick: $155 (3rd-5th)

Attack! Parry! Riposte! Touche'! Learn the swordplay of foil fencing in a safe, energetic sport that develops quick reflexes and a sharp mind to guide your sword past your opponent's defense to land a touch.

Autumn Fun Club with Mrs. H: $155 (4k-k)

Get you little pumpkin spice loving kid ready for the fun. From candy corn counting to leaf painting. The club has all the autumn fun you could wish for.

Creative Arts Club with Mrs. Goody: $155(2nd-4th)

Come explore Art the way that Georgia O'Keefe, Frida Kahlo, Ansel Adams, Yayoi Kusama, Ugo Rondinone, and other explored it. Using pastels, paints, photography, sculpture, and so much more.

Fun & Games Club with Ms. Murphy: $155 (3rd-5th)

Does your child love to be a part of a team? Each day we will explore new games and sports! From Gaga Ball and soccer to treasure hunts and obstacle courses, our dynamic activities keep kids moving, laughing, and learning.

Kickball Club with Ms. Zinn: $155(3rd-5th)

Come one, come all...let's play kickball! Whether your kiddo is novice or an expert, each child will have the opportunity to learn the sport while having fun.

The great outdoors Club with Mrs. Freeburger: $155 (1st-3rd)

In this club we will explore the great outdoors on our beautiful Calverton campus. Some activities include exploring our nature trails, scavenger hunts, identifying plants, and maybe even a little litter pick up along our way. We will be outside for this club and will need to wear closed toed shoes and have a water bottle. Have your kiddos come ready to explore with a slight possibility of getting dirty.

sign up for clubs here

The deadline to sign up is September 10. Spots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment for clubs will be due no later than Friday, September 13 to Mrs. Freeburger in the lower school office.

Club Schedule
MondayFun & Games Club: 3rd-5th, The Great Outdoors: 1st-3rd
TuesdayAutumn Fun Club: 3K-4K, Creative Arts Club: 2nd-4th
WednesdayFencing Club: 3rd-5th
ThursdayTake a Hike Club: 4K-1st, Kickball Club: 3rd-5th

All clubs begin the week of September 16  and run until November 4. There will  be a makeup week on November 11 in case of any missed club sessions.


As always please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Freeburger with any questions.

410-535-0216 ext:1117

email Mrs. freeburger