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January News

January 13th, 2025

Middle School Buddies Welcome Us Back!  

On Monday, January 6, our buddies will be joining us for a visit.  This month, lower school students and their buddies will kick off our first stay back with a game of winter bingo.  We will definitely be hoping this will help bring snow our way.


Cold Weather Attire 

With winter officially here, we ask that all students come to school with appropriate outdoor clothing for recess.  This includes a jacket, hat, and gloves.  Please label your child’s belongings. Students will be going outside as long as the feels like temperatures are above freezing. Although the school fleece is wonderful for inside the building, this should not be considered a jacket during the colder months. Students without appropriate outdoor clothing will not be able to join their class outside for recess.  


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day   

School is closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We will be discussing the significance of this day in class through stories and activities surrounding equality.  If you would like to spend some time on January 20 talking with your children about the importance of this day, there are several YouTube videos and wonderful picture books for children that share his story.   


It’s Time for Winter Clubs!  

Beat those winter blues with a wonderful winter club!  Winter clubs begin the week of January 13. Club information will be sent home this week, so be sure to sign up quickly! An email from Mrs. Freeburger will also be sent home soon.


K-5 Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences   

The second quarter ends on Friday, January 17.  Report cards will be available for viewing the afternoon of Friday, January 31. You will receive a SignUpGenius from your child's teacher for the upcoming parent teacher conferences, which take place during the week of February 3.  Please note that February 5 is a designated day off school for students as we hold parent-teacher conferences.  Although we will have a few additional dates and times that week for conferences, February 5 is the main conference day.  We ask parents to plan to attend these conferences in person on campus. Hopefully, this advance notice will allow you to join us. We look forward to sharing the progress and development of our students over this past quarter.  There is always so much to celebrate!    


Interested Friends, Neighbors, or Coworkers?   

Do you have friends, neighbors, or coworkers who have shared an interest in learning more about Calverton?  If so, please encourage them to reach out to me or complete an online inquiry form.  We are thrilled with the continued interest in our lower school, and so much of that is due to your help.  The $1,000 referral incentive is still available, so be sure to have those interested include your name on the application.    

In addition, with some classes headed toward a waitlist for new enrollments next year, seats are limited.  We do provide priority to our current families, so if you have been considering sending a younger child that is of PreK age, please contact our admissions department as soon as possible.     


Lower School Leaders   

During the months of November and December, we focused on the leadership trait of kindness and generosity. Congratulations to the leaders.  Our leaders will enjoy a special Leader Lunch this month.  January’s leadership theme is…leaders embrace challenges.   We are thrilled to welcome  Maria I. Nelson NH-IV - BSIT, CISM, CGRC, Deputy Director of Cyber Effects Ops Integration for the United States Space Force as our January leadership speaker.  



3K – Brooke Bennett & Shai Walker  

4K – Zachary Fowler, Isabelle Hardy, Tess Trentman, & Isabelle Windham 

K – Tucker Backes & John Gabretti   

1st – Capri Buckler & Tanay Shah

2nd – Grace Tedesco & Charlie Trentman    

3rd – Conor Backes & Charlotte Leary  

4th – Baleigh Chase & Emmet Clas  

5th – Colton Bailey     


Lower School Science, Creation, and Innovation (SCI) Fair  

Information about this year’s SCI fair for our K-5 students will be sent out on Thursday, January 16.  Students are invited, but not required, to participate in the SCI Fair.  Mrs. Burkhardt will be discussing the details with students in class and begin their brainstorming process together.  Below is the timeline of dates for this year’s event.  

Mrs. Burkhardt shares details with students – week of 1/13 

Paperwork/email home – 1/16

SCI Fair proposals due to Mrs. Burkhardt – 1/21

Final product due to campus – 2/24  


 Sneak A Peek Event

Just as you will learn about what awaits your child in their upcoming grade level on Moving Up Night, we want to offer our students a similar experience. This month, students will have the chance to visit their future classrooms and meet the teachers. They will engage in a fun game and discover the exciting activities that await them. We have tentatively scheduled this enjoyable visit for January 22.


January Field Trips

1/29 - First and Second Grade to see the Rainbow Fish performance (Dress Uniform required) 


Save these Dates in February:   

Tuesday, February 4 is our Moving Up Night, and we invite parents back to campus in the evening.  You will have the opportunity to hear from your child’s upcoming teacher and learn all about the new adventures that await. Childcare will be offered for this event.  Details for Moving Up Night are still being finalized.  More information will be sent as it becomes available.   


Mr. C is excited to share that he is still planning for our annual American Heart Association Jump for Heart event in February.  Students will have the opportunity to wear team colors and raise money for this great cause.  More details and information will be sent home in the upcoming weeks. Many thanks to Mr. C for his work in making this event happen.    

Winter break is from Friday, February 14 through Monday, February 17.  Campus will reopen on Tuesday, February 18.